Friday, April 22, 2011

Lucy has arrived in Japan!

Lucy with her fellow new missionaries posing with the President in front of the Fukuoka Temple
Dear Parents and Friends,

We would like to inform you of the safe arrival of your missionary to the Japan Fukuoka Mission.  We are thankful for the support and love that you have for your missionary.  We look forward to the great service and work that your missionary is going to perform here with us. 

In this mission, preperation day is every monday; therefore, you can expect an e-mail from you missionary this coming monday or shortly aftwerwards.  Attached is a group photo in front of the Fukuoka Temple with President and Sister Margetts and all the missionaries that arrived to Fukuoka on the 20th of April. 

Your missionary looks great and is very prepared to be an excellent representative of Jesus Christ here in Japan.  Your missionary is involved in a great work and will be a blessing to the wonderful Japanese people.


Japan Fukuoka Mission Office Staff




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